Keys to Boosting Community Involvement for Retail Pet Stores
Keys to Boosting Community Involvement for Retail Pet Stores
As a destination for numerous different items of care for a range of household pets, retail pet stores are places that people with hearts gather. To help turn this involvement towards your greater local community, here are a few tips for setting up a successful marketing plan and harnessing the power of caring for the greater good.
When it comes to successful businesses and giving back, the first step is to establish an effective and imaginative marketing strategy. Consider your audience and include tech savvy options such as starting a blog, conducting an ongoing email newsletter, or creating and maintaining an ongoing social media presence.
Once you’ve set yourself up for engaging with customers, veterinarians, groomers, local shelters, other pet businesses and enthusiasts, building a strong network is an excellent way to strengthen and widen your reach. Developing this network by attending events, cross-pollinating customers, and establishing mutually beneficial relationships within the pet industry can help set the stage for community involvement.
Community Involvement
Consider setting up events that showcase that you are a caring business. For example, start an online and in-store campaign requesting donations of pet food or supplies for a local shelter or rescue group. Another great way of getting involved is to set a day where a percentage of sales goes to a worthy cause of support for an animal hospital or other likeable institution. These types of activities can help rally the community and boost support. You can raise awareness and build contributions by using your network and ongoing marketing campaigns!
Be the Source of Info
For great information, teach your clients and community to look to you. By creating original content, providing key information, offering specials, and more, let your clients know that you are the go-to source for good information when it comes to their loving animals.
Come Together
With a mission to bring the community together to help those that are less fortunate, your store can be a contributor to increasing local well-being. Once you establish a precedent of giving and create a regular group of patrons and volunteers interested in furthering the goal of community involvement, it’s amazing how much of a difference you can make!
For more information about Wyld’s Wingdom please contact us at 800.366.9953 or Pets In The Classroom can be reached at